Adherence of HIV/AIDS patients to antiretroviral therapy in a tertiary health facility in Benin City


Houbo Wu*, Yatao Guo, Guanghua Wang, Shikun Dai and Xiang Li

Adherence to ART is a major predictor of the success of HIV/AIDS treatment. We assessed adherence to ART in Benin City and identified the contributing factors. In a prospective study, we evaluated adherence to ART among 125 outpatients in University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City using self-reporting and pill counting methods and determined the predictors using bivariate analysis. Structured interview was used to evaluate access to medicines and patients’ factors affecting treatment adherence. Adherence level of 58.1% ± 2.4% was observed which was significantly lower than those reported in many other sub- Saharan African countries. The adherence was dependent on adverse effects and educational level of patients. Poor financial status, medication adverse effects, lack of confidentiality, occupational factors and stigmatization were the major reasons given for non-adherence. All the prescribed medicines were always in stock during the study period but some patients had stock out of medicines at home. It is concluded that the level of adherence to ART in a poor resource health facility in Nigeria is comparable to levels reported from North America. Poverty, medication adverse effects, confidentiality, occupational factors, and stigma and discrimination were the major determinants of the level of adherence.

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