Ecological study on Dobera glabra Forssk. at Jazan region in Saudi Arabia


I. M. Aref, H. A. El Atta and A. A. Al Ghtani

Research on Dobera glabra Forssk is very little. A study was carried out in Jazan (south western Saudi Arabia) on the
ecology of D. glabra. The species was distributed over a large area, but with decreasing density towards the Red Sea
coast. Generally, the density of the species is very little. This is combined with 0% survival of seedlings and
samplings after 8 months made the species existence endangered and urgent intervention is required to conserve it.
Although the frequency of flowering was normal, nevertheless fruiting is extremely little (0.29%) . The species
regenerates well with seeds without any pretreatment, however, the seedlings require immediate protection from
grazing and other human activities. Seedling growth is extremely slow. All attempts of vegetative propagation of D.
glabra from cuttings, failed despite the use of suitable rooting media and growth hormones. Due to the importance of
the species as a fodder during the dry season where most other resources are unavailable and as famine food for
humans, further research is needed on how to conserve D. glabra.

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