Effect of dietary protein, lipid and carbohydrate contents on the liver composition and enzyme activity of Cyprinus carpio communis fingerlings.


Muzaffar Ahmad, Qureshi T. A. and Singh A. B.

This study aimed to determine a feed formulation with best protein to energy ratio which would result in better liver composition and enzyme activity of Cyprinus carpio communis. Fingerlings having average weight 1.64 g ± 0.13 and length 5.26 ± 0.10 cm were fed on four different formulated feeds and a control feed (each in a triplicate set), 6% of their body weight, three times a day, during 90 days. Feeds were formulated using ground nut oil cake, mustard oil cake, rice bran, wheat bran, fish meal and soybean meal in order to suffice the balanced need of protein and energy of the common carp. Liver composition and acid and alkaline phosphatase activity of fingerlings were measured. There was a significant increase in liver lipid content with the increase in dietary carbohydrate level. The ACP and ALP activity was the maximum in the fingerlings fed on the diet having optimum protein to energy ratio of 20.54 mg protein/Kj. This work concluded that a diet containing 40% protein, 9.31% lipid and 10.08% carbohydrate is the best one for a more profitable and successful culture of the common carp.

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