Effect of lipid peroxidation and related parameters on the storability of soybean (Glycine max) seeds


Vaibhav Kumar , Vinutha T , Navita Bansal , Veda Krishnan, Rama Prashat G , Anil Dahuja, Archana Sachdev, I.M.Santha and R.D.Rai

On the basis of reported storability and seed germination thirteen soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merill] genotypes (grouped as six “good storers” and seven “poor storers”) were selected to understand the relationship between lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity and seed storability. Good storers possessed significantly high activity (p<0.05) of LOX-1 and lower activity of LOX-2 as compared to poor storers. Significant increase ((p<0.05) in HPL activity was observed in all poor storer genotypes and correlated with higher accumulation of lipid peroxides, total MDA and carbonyl content. Further our results indicated that, the good storers possessed high antioxidant activities when analyzed through DPPH and CUPRAC method than the poor storers, however the activity of antioxidants enzymes viz., SOD and catalase remained unchanged in both the good and poor storers with an exception of a good storer genotype - M1090. Although no significant difference in the antioxidant compounds like tocopherols and isoflavones were found between the good and poor storers, an increased ascorbic acid content was however observed in the good storers (8.5 mg/100g to 14.74 mg/100g) as compared to the poor storers (4.82mg/100g to 6.84 mg/100g). Thus our study reflected the possible role of ascorbic acid, LOX-1, LOX-2 and HPL enzymes as potential indicators to determine the storability of soybean seeds and also can be used as the parameters to improve their nutritional quality of the soybean seeds.

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