Effectiveness of phytogenic fly repellant product against dipteran flies.


B. W. Naraladker , B.S. Khillare , S.T. Kalwaghe , GM. Chghure , K, Ravikanth and S. Maini *

A study was conducted in the livestock dairy farm reported with the history of culicoides fly menace during summer season,the farm was treated with the herbal fly repellant product (AV/FRC/18) (supplied by M/S Ayurvet Limited, Baddi, H.P., India) recommended as 1 part with 20 parts of water for application on animal body and 1 part with 40 parts of water for application on drainage channels and animal premises ion the shed. The herbal fly repellant product was assessed for oviposition deterrent activity, ovicidal and larvicidal effect and for its efficacy to minimize the count of larval and adult culicoides in the drainage channel around cattle shed after application of AV/FRC/18. The product was found to be quite efficacious as a fly repellant for livestock dwellings, has a good larvicide potential in addition to ovicidal and oviposition deterrent activity. It has not been found to cause deleterious or adverse effects such as irritation, loss of production, mortality etc. on the experimental animals, rather it is safe for animal usage and for application in animal premises. The product is not having any residual effect, hence it is declared safe for usage.

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