Identification and differentiation of Leaf epidermal obtained from Species of Setaria weeds in Pakistan


*Ishfaq Kamran, Mujahid Ahmed and Muhammed Hashmi

Leaf epidermal anatomy of 5 species of Setaria weeds collected from salt range was carried out to identify and differentiate these species, as there is confusion in identification of these species on the basis of morphology. Variations in different leaf epidermal characters are observed in different Setaria species. Setaria glauca is identified by the absence of prickles on the abaxial side, while prickles are present on both abaxial and adaxial side of Setaria viridis, Setaria intermedia, Setaria italica and Setaria verticillata. Two types of silica bodies are observed in Setaria species. Cross shaped silica bodies are observed in S. verticillata, while in other Setaria species dumb bell shaped silica bodies are found. Microhairs were present only on the abaxial side of S. glauca, while absent in other species, so this character also distinguishes it from other species. Largest stomatal complex is found in S. glauca, while in S. intermedia, stomatal complex is smaller as compared to other species. It is observed that different leaf anatomical characters assist in identification and differentiation of different Setaria species.

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