
Alaribe Stephenie C, Ikwugbado Richard I, Alabi Faizah A, Oladipupo Akolade, Ogah Celina

Malaria remains one of the most common parasitic infections in the tropical regions across the globe, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa while maintaining an epidemiological and holoendemic status quo. This infection known to be caused by single-celled eukaryotes of the plasmodium genus proliferate through the bites of infected anopheles’ mosquitoes and introducing the parasite led to its proliferation within the vertebrate tissues most especially, the liver organ before entering the bloodstream to poison the erythrocytes. Interestingly, this parasitic disease shares some similar symptoms with the lethal infectious coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Currently, one-third of the world is battling either Malaria or COVID-19 with both illnesses having high morbidity and mortality rate.

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