Malala Yousafzai, Pervez J. Shahid and Nursat and Abdul Ali Khan
A field study to evaluate the bio-economic assessment of sunflower-mungbean intercropping system at different planting geometry was carried out at Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad during spring season 2009. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement having three replications. Sunflower hybrid (Hysun 33) and mungbean variety Azri-2006 was sown. The experiment was comprising treatment having factor A: planting geometry; P1(70cm single row planting ),P2(105/35 cm spaced paired row planting ), P3 (175/35 cm four row planting) and factor B; intercropping I1( sunflower alone),I2 ( sunflower + mungbean. All the growth and yield components were significantly affected by the varying planting patterns and intercropping. Maximum value of achene yield (2891 kg ha-1 ) in case of intercropping treatments was obtained in the alone sowing of sunflower and in case of planting geometries maximum achene yield (3002 kg ha-1 ) was obtained in the treatment when sunflower was sown at 175/35 cm four rows apart sowing. The interactive effect of different planting patterns and intercropping show that maximum achene yield (3128 kg ha-1 ) was obtained in case of P3I2.The maximum net benefit of Rs. 95995 (1130$) was obtained from the plots in which sunflower was sown at 175/35 cm four rows apart (P3I2 ).
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