
K Apoline Sondo

Background: Dengue is the most common and common arbovirus disease in the world. Like malaria, which is a vector-borne disease and which has a heavy morbidity and mortality especially in children, dengue can also affect children. So what about the situation in Burkina Faso during the epidemics, the subject of our study to describe the characteristics of dengue fever in children during the epidemics from 2015 to 2017.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a descriptive aim of dengue cases in 15-year-old patients, at the level of fifteen health structures in the city of Ouagadougou from November 01, 2015 to January 31, 2017. The diagnosis of Dengue fever is done with the DUO (Detecting NS1 Antigen and Immunoglobulin) rapid diagnostic test.

Results: Seventy-four children were identified a total of 811 notified cases of dengue, ie a frequency of 9.5%. The NS1 antigen was positive in over 90% of cases. The mean age was 9.04 ± 3.80 years and the sex ratio 0.6. Fever, pain syndrome and vomiting were the most frequent clinical signs in 85.14%, 66.22% and 45.95% of cases, respectively. Complications were noted in 09.5% with hemorrhage, hepatic cytolysis and neurological signs. Evolution is good for all children.

Conclusion: The frequency of dengue fever in children is low over the study period (27 months). It would be underestimated and pediatricians should think about it and diagnose it so as not to confuse it with malaria which has the same signs and different etiology.

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