Agricultural services in rural areas

Short Communication - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 3

Wallace E Just*
*Correspondence: Wallace E Just, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA, Email:
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA

Received: 17-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. IJAERDOA-22-74468; Editor assigned: 19-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. IJAERDOA-22-74468 (PQ); Reviewed: 02-Sep-2022, QC No. IJAERDOA-22-74468; Revised: 16-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. IJAERDOA-22-74468 (R); Published: 23-Sep-2022


Agriculture’s methods to knowledge exchange, learning, and innovation are continuously expanding. Innovative and novel means of sharing information are now required to keep agricultural and food production competitive. Farmers, scientists, advisers, businesses, non-governmental organisations, and others offer their knowledge. The phrase ‘Agriculture Innovation System’ refers not just too how individuals and organisations connect and interact within an area, but also to the whole knowledge exchange system. The Agriculture Innovation System (AIS) assists farmers in becoming more lucrative, sustainable, and productive. The AIS, in conjunction with technical, organisational, and social elements, aids in the reduction of the gap between scientists and farmers.

Agriculture is a dynamic matter that is intertwined with both natural and social processes. Agriculture Knowledge System refers to a group of actors in research, extension services, education and training, and support systems who act on farmer knowledge to generate inventions in response to problems and opportunities, desired outcomes, system drivers, and regulatory policies and institutions. Sustainable development has three dimensions: social, financial, and environmental. Knowledge sharing is essential for sustaining these elements, and extension and consulting services are an important knowledge-sharing institution. As a result, agricultural knowledge and other support systems are critical if farmers are to enhance food production and achieve food security. Farmers also require improved access to agronomic support systems such as loans, technology, extension services, and agribusiness education, as well as rural groups, which frequently channel other services.

What is the agriculture innovation system?

An Agriculture Innovation System (AIS) incorporates not only new ideas, but also knowledge and support systems. The globe is changing in terms of environmental, social, and economic factors. As a result, these modifications to research, extension, and development methodologies must be implemented at the global, national, and local levels. Rural research must become more adaptable in order to deal with agricultural production, which is becoming increasingly complex. An innovation system is made up of a network of numerous institutions, organisations, and people.

The innovation system prioritises commercially viable products. It entails promoting and implementing innovation with political backing and market restrictions in order to give extension services to wider populations. The notion of innovation is considered to be a social process and typically at the farmer level, which entails the acceptance of technology by various farmers. The approach to innovation system is not confined to research institutes, but also to new technologies and ideas generated by farmers or farmer groups. Through the system approach, AIS, AKS, or AKIS techniques demonstrate how agricultural information and knowledge are exchanged or, in other words, communication occurs and is shared throughout the system’s subsystems.

The agriculture innovation system is critical to transforming agriculture and rural livelihoods. It also allows farmers to learn about and evaluate different ways. The traditional function of extension and research in the research process is shifting. It merely entails technological transfer, which must be translated into mechanisms that enable and reward creativity. It is critical to maintain agricultural and food production competitive while also revitalising rural regions. It gives farmers tools and advice, improves the way research and advisory services collaborate, and makes farmers more lucrative, sustainable, and productive.

What exactly is an Agriculture Innovation System (AIS)?

“AIS is a network of participants (individuals, organisations, and corporations), as well as institutions and policy measures in agricultural and allied sectors that combine goods, current and developing processes, and institutional arrangements in social and economic usage.” Policies and institutions (both formal and informal) impact how these players interact, produce, exchange, and use information, as well as learn together.”

Strengthening agriculture knowledge

Most emerging nations, particularly those with high levels of poverty, rely on agriculture for growth. The agricultural sector’s production is determined by farmers’ knowledge and how they apply relevant technology. The availability of information and knowledge is a fundamental limitation to increasing productivity. The most effective utilisation of extension services necessitates research-based knowledge. Disparities in knowledge contribute to yield gaps.

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