
Fulvio Zullo

Pregnancy is a period during which a baby grows inside a woman's womb or uterus. It is generally lasts about 280 days or around 40 weeks, and it is about over 9 months. When a baby is created, after it is released from the ovary during menstruation and pregnancy develops. Symptom’s of pregnancy are namely missing period are like your monthly cycle has not yet started after a week, breasts are painful and enlarged, morning sickness, vomiting, back pain, tiredness etc..Trimesters are the terms are use by doctors to describe the three stages of pregnancy. First trimester of pregnancy is from 0 week to the end of 13 weeks. First stage is generally the most difficult and hardest time in pregnancy. Hormone levels, tiredness, stomach pain, painful breasts and developing a baby is more difficult problem and it is the main risk for miscarriages, birth defects and for baby growth. The major organs and body structure of a baby should be developed. The body contains a lot of changes. The second trimester of pregnancy is from 14 week to the end of 26 weeks. It represents the middle part of pregnancy.

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