Role of education moulding an individual‘s personality

Commentary - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 1

E. Derryl Marsha*
*Correspondence: E. Derryl Marsha, Department of Agriculture, University of Carbondale, Carbondale, USA, Email:
Department of Agriculture, University of Carbondale, Carbondale, USA

Received: 25-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. IJAERDOA-22-56422; Editor assigned: 28-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. IJAERDOA-22-56422 (PQ); Reviewed: 14-Mar-2022, QC No. IJAERDOA-22-56422; Revised: 19-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. IJAERDOA-22-56422 (R); Published: 26-Mar-2022


There is no doubt that education plays a critical part in moulding an individual’s personality. According to a poll, India’s organised industry employs only 34 million people, accounting for a very tiny percentage of the entire population. This sentence alone reveals a great deal about India’s literacy rate and educational system. Despite the fact that India’s literacy rate has increased in recent years, it has not been able to provide the sort of education that modern times need. We cannot dispute that a large portion of India’s population still lives in rural areas. The education system in rural India, on the other hand, receives very little attention. This highlights a number of factors that are wreaking havoc on our rural education system.

Lack of sufficient number of schools

India’s rural areas already face significant challenges in terms of local transportation. Because there are few or no schools in the area, this situation poses a serious danger to rural Indian education. Due to transportation issues and schools located far away in rural regions, parents are unable to bring their children to school, leaving them without an education.

Lack of affordable educational institutions

Residents of rural India typically have little financial resources, which are typically spent on basic survival, leaving education out of reach. Because there are no government schools in the region, parents are less likely to spend money on their children, resulting in no education being provided.

Inadequate infrastructure

There is a severe shortage of instructors, particularly welltrained ones, which has a significant impact on the student- teacher ratio. As a result, the education provided is of poor quality, barely meeting the educational needs.

Even though we are one country, there is still a rural-urban split in every facet of life, and education is no exception. A lot of studies have shown that there is a significant disparity between rural and urban schooling. Gaps can be seen in a variety of way. In urban schools, the teaching methods are also different. While rural schools’ teaching methods are still basic, urban schools are eager to incorporate contemporary teaching methods such as concept learning and a focus on each student’s growth.

Rural educational institutions, as we’ve already mentioned, have a number of flaws. The way to enhancing rural education is to introduce contemporary and improved procedures into the educational system, which will enable rural students to catch up to metropolitan students.

More schools should be built parents in rural India can be encouraged to take their children to school if there are enough schools nearby and at a low cost. The government must give textbooks, library, and laboratory facilities to people who come from very low financial backgrounds so that they do not have any excuse not to attend school.

Combine technology and education

It is critical for rural schools to have a strong focus on technology, particularly fundamental computer skills, so that they do not fall behind. In today’s technologically evolving world, it’s also critical for every youngster to be aware of fundamental technology and how to use them.

Focus on conceptual learning the days of learning by rote and memorising information are long gone. People in today’s education system are expected to understand what they are studying as well as how to apply what they have learned, which can only be accomplished if basic ideas are understood from the start of their education. Move class lessons outside of the classroom: If we want to make education more interesting for kids, we must begin taking class lessons outside of the classroom. It is critical for children to be aware of their surroundings, and this can only be accomplished when they are brought out and shown about. This will also assist students in grasping the concepts in a practical manner, allowing them to retain them for a longer period of time.

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