A study of the effect of Cercospora leaf spot at different cultivars and fertilization level


Yong-Gang Li , Li Zhang and Feng-Ming Mang

Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) caused by Cercospora beticola is one of the most destructive foliar disease of sugar beets in all sugar beet-growing areas worldwide. In this study, field trials were carried out to determine the effect of CLS at different cultivars and fertilization level. The result showed that level of resistance against C. beticola from 20 variables were differed significantly (PBETA356>Hi0940>KWS6167>KWS8138>KWS4121>Hi0166>DVA02234>BETA807> KWS0142> Ma096> KWS9522> IS0436> BSTO2431> Ma097> BETA464> BETA812> KWS9145> Hi0474> Hi0732. But, Strong and weak of same varieties resistance from three locations apart from 100 km away of this trial series were significantly different. Levels of resistance against C. beticola from optimized fertilization were significant different (P N2P 2K1> N2P2K0 > N2P2K2> N2P1K2> N1P2K1> N2P3K2> N2P2K3 > N2P0K2> N1P2K2> N3P2K2> N1P1K2> N0P0K0> N0P2K2. So, resistance against C. beticola improved after balance fertilizing. It is possible to reduce the pathogen appearance by using varieties resistance and balance fertilizing, which enhanced host resistance to soft rot disease in a way

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