Anthropometric comparison of nasal indices between Andoni and Okrika tribes of Rivers State, Nigeria


Oladipo G. S.*, Eroje M. A.and Fahwehinmi H. B.

A comparative study on Nasal Index was carried out on subjects from Andoni and Okrika tribes of Rivers State in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Four hundred individuals were randomly selected from each tribe comprising 200 males and 200 females, respectively. The ages of the subjects ranged from 21-30 years. The height of the nose (NH) and the breadth of the nose (NB) were measured for each subject using a sliding caliper and the nasal index calculated. The mean nasal index of the Adonis was 79.83 ± 4.19 and 83.77 ± 1.09 for male and female respectively while that of the Okrikas males and females were 86.23 ±1.72 and 86.46 ± 2.37, respectively. The mean nasal index of the Okrika tribe was 86.38 ± 1.35 and this was significantly higher than the mean nasal index of Andoni tribe (81.86 ± 2.26) p< 0.05. Thus the Okrikas fall within the Platyrrhine nose type while the Andonis fall within the Mesorrhine nose type

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